2018 Meeting Minutes Index:
Minutes of LFSC Board Meeting—February 11, 2018
At Claire Slabaugh’s house
Board members in attendance:
Claire Slabaugh, Kristin McNavage, John Crupi, Steve Volkers, Joe Matal, Brian Herberger, Cathy Stocker, Mike Adlin, Cynthia Morton, and Tony Higgins. Linda Karson also attended.
The Board began the meeting by approving the minutes of the December 13 board meeting.
Board President Claire Slabaugh gave a report. She noted Brian Herberger’s excellent work on communications over the last year, and noted the improvements to the system for payment of dues.
The Board voted to elect Geoff Egnal (who was tied for runner up in the recent pool board elections) to serve the remainder of resigning Board member Meredith Hammond’s term.
The Board discussed forming a committee to evaluate the LFSC waitlist point system. The Board will review the Bylaws this year.
The Board approved purchase of a water bottle filler and fountain to replace the fountain that is currently located outside the men’s room. The new fountain is expected to cost approximately $2500.
Treasurer Steve Volkers provided a financial update. Highlights:
- LFSC is showing a paper loss because of the depreciation on the new pool. LFSC is currently and projected to remain financially healthy.
- LFSC still has $100,000 left from the $950,000 that it borrowed to finance the construction of the new pool. The Board plans to eventually use this money to upgrade the bathhouse.
- The pool needs a drain in the strip of grass on the Glen Cove side of the pool—this area turns into a muddy swamp because of water splashed out from the pool, and tends to never fully dry out since it is continually in the shade.
- The board will have to approve the FY17 IRS 990 tax filing so it can be submitted by the 3/15/18 deadline. Steve will email the board an electronic version of the draft within the next two weeks.
The Board discussed renovating the bathhouse. Upgrades will be largely cosmetic; the Board will seek approval from the membership once it settles on a plan. Board members noted the need for stalls that actually close and lock in the ladies room, and better toilet paper.
The Board introduced the new members to the various categories of LFSC membership.
The Board discussed the standard motions. Highlights of changes:
- Pool membership fees will be due on March 13.
- The membership chair will make reasonable and diligent efforts to contact those who have not paid their dues.
- The Board discussed exemptions from the handyman fee, and agreed to apply the fee to all members, regardless of age.
- The Board approved motions to authorize issuance of up to 50 extended season guest passes for $925 each, and 100 end of summer passes at $225 each.
The Board elected the following new officers and committee chairs for the coming year:
- Brian Herberger will be President.
- John Crupi will be Vice President.
- Kristin McNavage will be Secretary.
- Steve Volkers will continue as Treasurer.
- Geoff Egnal will be Assistant Treasurer.
- Claire Slabaugh will be Membership Chair; John Crupi will be her co-chair. Claire will also lead the CLC.
- Cathy Stocker will be in charge of Communications.
- Cynthia Morton will chair the Social Committee.
- Tony Higgins will again Chair Building and Grounds, and will be assisted by Joe Matal for tennis matters.
The Board voted to abolish the monthly houseguest pass, and instead authorized a caregiver/houseguest fee—a pass that will cost $135 and last for the entire summer, and will be available to any caregiver (i.e., nanny, grandparent, or other babysitter) or houseguest of a pool member. Caregivers can still accompany a swim team member to swim practice for free.
The Board also voted to impose a flat $5 fee for guest passes, regardless of day and time. The inactive fee remains $175.
With these changes, the standard motions were adopted.
The board discussed the need for additional plantings on the berm behind the pool, repairs to the alley behind the tennis courts, and extending the wood chip path along the pool fence.
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Joe Matal, Secretary
Minutes of LFSC Board Meeting—March 14, 2018
At Brian Herberger’s house
Board members in attendance:
Claire Slabaugh, John Crupi, Steve Volkers, Joe Matal, Brian Herberger, Cathy Stocker, Cynthia Morton, Geoff Egnal, and Tony Higgins.
A vote was taken on February 25 via email to approve the following items:
- 3 new nets for each of the tennis courts provided at cost via Georgetown Prep who manages tennis camp and maintenance for the courts — $175×3 = $525
- Power wash of all three tennis courts to remove moss / slippery spots on the surface by All Pro Courts, coordinated by Georgetown Prep — $1,600
- Spring Clean up provided by Mowing & More — $1,390 (same price as last year)
A vote was taken on March 12 via email to approve:
- Removal of tree between the middle tennis court and the alley. Tree was uprooted during the wind storm on March 2nd. Mulheron – $2,400
The Board began the meeting by approving the minutes of the February Board meeting.
The Board deferred consideration of the standard motions.
The Board approved the pool management contract. Carmen Ham and Colleen Terry will serve as pool co-managers.
Mohican pool will open on April 28. The Board approved a motion to purchase pre- and post-season access to Mohican for LFSC members for $3500.
The Board discussed purchasing new chairs for the pool, and contemplated mesh chairs. Treasurer Volkers questioned the wisdom of “meshing around.”
Water will be turned on at the pool on April 26.
Pool clean-up days will be from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. on May 12 and 20. A rain date is to be decided.
In response to a member request, the Board discussed whether handyman fees should continue to apply to all members, and unanimously confirmed its previous decision that they should so apply.
Membership Chair Claire Slabaugh gave a report. She noted that online payments have gone smoothly, and that 323 members have paid their dues. 13 members have gone inactive, 19 have resigned their membership, 7 SLUPs remain, and only 15 members have not yet paid their dues. LFSC will be able to offer equity membership to 24 households. 275 families remain on the wait list; the current minimum wait is 7 years.
Building & Grounds Chair Tony Higgins gave a report. New nets and windscreens will be installed at the tennis courts next week, to be followed by power washing of the courts in late March or early April.
The fallen tree near the tennis courts will be replaced.
The Board discussed a contractor’s bid of $1900 to replace the fallen 48-foot section of the fence.
The Board discussed having a woodchip path laid in the grass around the deck to the front of the pool.
The Board discussed adding trees to the berm behind the intermediate pool, and approved spending up to $3800 for this end.
The Board discussed adding gravel to cover the ruts in the alley, and approved spending up to $500 for this purpose.
The Board discussed replacing the swampy grass strip between the end of the pool and Glen Cove with pavers.
The Board approved spending up to $800 to overseed the grass and replace the dead sod near the concessions stand.
Treasurer Steve Volkers gave a report. LFSC has collected $250,000 in dues and $30,000 in guest fees. $97,000 from the construction loan has been transferred over to LFSC, leaving the club with a $376,000 cash balance in the bank.
Forming a committee to evaluate the effectiveness of the point system was discussed.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50.
Respectfully submitted,
Joe Matal, Acting Secretary
Notes April 11, 2018
Cynthia Morton’s House
In Attendance: A. Higgins, B. Herberger, M. Adlin, J. Crupi, K. McNavage, C. Morton, C. Stocker, and C. Slabaugh
Quorum noted
Minutes passed from previous March 14, 2018 mtg.
Vote taken online for tennis costs (replace cranks on courts, power washing in early May and rehanging the windscreens
There was a discussion regarding coming up with a committee to review the point system and what to call this committee. The ‘charge’ of this committee will be rewritten in clear language and then conveyed to the membership at-large.
A suggestion was made to create a Google calendar linked to the website to show available lanes, pool closures, weather events, etc.
The new Dive coach needs to run practices on weekends for 3 weeks. The Board will examine whether or not this is feasible.
News from Buildings and Grounds:
-tree removal
-new nets on the courts
-dumpster and recycling ‘bin’ was dropped off
$3090.00 was the estimate for a contract from Mowing and More for our Spring clean-up, laying down woodchips on the path, deploying the mulch in front of the poolhouse, removing the ‘weed tree’, and tree-trimming near 3rd tennis court. They would also take care of vine and weed removal. Board agrees to move forward on everything else except tree trimming. Additional bids will be sought after.
Rasevic landscaping will plant 3 additional Skip Laurels.
They will also put in pavers along the dive well where there was poor drainage and a lot of mud during the pool season.
The alleyway gravel repair will also take place.Bids will need to be gathered for the fence repair in the alley in the future but for the time being, there is no immediate need for this.
A board member has agreed to look at the solar panel options and whether or not this is a feasible option for us financially. We discussed the need to look at construction costs to improve the structure of the roof in order to handle solar panels. Additionally, we need to examine how much electricity we use vs. the cost of installation.
Treasurer’s report: A large jump in revenue occurred in March because membership dues came in. Operating expenses are considerably higher now than last year but it can be explained by interest on the loan and we are able to cover it.
We have about $353,000 in the bank. We took a final draw from the bank to bring in an additional $95,000. Swim and Dive team registration is down slightly but it will not stay that way. Treasurer is confident that our budget is in a good position to cover all expenses.
A conversation ensued about whether or not non-members can take swim lessons. The decision was made to not allow non-members to take lessons because there are legal issues with who would be responsible for a non-member swimming.
New lounge chairs will be ordered for the upcoming summer. Our operating company, Bethesda Aquatics has helped us in the past with our orders. The regular chairs have not been replaced in awhile either. We will look at the difference between commercial- grade chairs vs. industrial- grade chairs.
One Board member is meeting with DPS (Dept. of Permitting Svcs.) to do a final close out on our file and arrange return of one of our bonds this coming week and we will be receiving our Forest Conversation bond back after they check to see that we have complied with their stipulations.
Minutes of LFSC Board Meeting—May 9, 2018
At Tony Higgins’s house
Board members in attendance:
John Crupi, Steve Volkers, Joe Matal, Brian Herberger, Cynthia Morton, Geoff Egnal, Mike Adlin, and Tony Higgins. Chuck Montrie and Linda Carson also attended.
The Board began the meeting by approving the minutes of the April Board Meeting.
The Board earlier by email had approved the renewal of the insurance policy.
The Board discussed adding features to the website showing the daily status of the pool, such as when it is closed and open. The Board also discussed plans to enhance the privacy of the website, such as making email addresses accessible only to members of the pool.
Treasurer Steve Volkers gave an update on membership and guest revenues. About 50-60% of those offered an end-of-season guest pass have accepted it, and 44 offerees have accepted the full-season guest pass. This has brought in about $60,000 more in revenue then such guest passes had by the same time last year. The pool has also collected about $3000 in late fees.
LFSC currently has 377 members, 17 associate members, 44 full-season guests, 62 end-of-season guests, and about 100 senior emeritus members and legacy SLUPs.
LFSC currently has about $475,000 in the bank. This reserve will allow the Board to revisit the issue of refurbishing the restrooms. LFSC has had no major surprise expenses this year.
Pool Manager Chuck Montrie gave an update on operations, noting that the pool cover has been removed, the inspection would occur on May 15, and that the pool has a bumper crop of new lifeguards this year.
Building & Grounds Chair Tony Higgins gave an update. Power washing of the tennis courts would occur in May. A wood-chip path has been built all the way to the pool, and mulch has been installed. The Board approved spending up to $19,000 to install Eco Dakota pavers along the Glen Cove side of the pool, replacing grass that often becomes swampy from pool water.
Social Chair Cynthia Morton gave an update. The Mexican-themed party will be held on June 16, and a barbeque in July.
The Board approved a motion to spend up to $700 to replace the stairs in the kitchen with new ones.
Respectfully submitted,
Joe Matal, Acting Secretary
Minutes of LFSC Board Meeting—June 14, 2018 – At the Pool
In attendance: M. Adlin, S. Volkers, T. Higgins, Chuck Montrie, B. Herberger, C. Slabaugh, J. Crupi, K. McNavage
- Minutes from May were approved.
- Email vote occurred for bike rack as well as an email vote on 8 umbrellas and 8 stands (approved up to $3000).
- List of interested members was shared for the new ‘Point System Committee’. This committee will begin meeting next month to discuss our current waitlist point system, its effectiveness and any changes that might help keep our waitlist from becoming so long. No more members for this committee are needed at this time.
- New communication system has begun which is using a Google form that lets guards tweet AND send an email out regarding pool closures (weather-related, swim team related or other).
- Discussion ensued about current rules for guests of families using the pool and the definition of a ‘daily guest’ vs. a ‘houseguest’. Members are doing a mostly good job of paying houseguest fees this year; however, this is an area that we will continue to reexamine. Clarification of this category is still needed.
- Membership report:
- 377 equity member slots filled
- 356 active equity members
- 16 inactive equity members
- 5 SLUP members
- 18 Associate members
- 36 Senior Emeritus Legacy
- 71 Senior Emeritus
- 49 Extended Season Guest
- 15 End of Season Guest using the Swim Team for B meets and practices ONLY
- 86 End of Season Guests not using Swim Team
- 63 Caregivers/houseguests
- 583 guest passes to date ($2900!)
- Building and Grounds- The fence along the alley, a large dead tree along the alley, the ruts in the alley road itself will all be repaired shortly. The money for repairing the ruts has already been voted on in a previous mtg. There is a hinge on the gate that needs to be repaired next to the guard desk as well as some tiles that have cracked and need to be repaired.
- Treasurer’s Report- Shared Fiscal Year to Date budget (profits/losses) Currently, our budget is doing better than we had projected initially. This is due in part to the number of guest passes and house guest passes that we have sold.
- By-laws review- President of the Board shared a document that highlights areas of our current by-laws that need to be examined more closely for possible updating. The by-laws in place now are outdated in some circumstances. The Board was asked to look at our by-laws and compare them to other local pools’ by-laws to see if there is language that we might use or that we like. We will take a closer look at these by-laws at the July mtg. In the near future, the Board would like to hire a lawyer to help us update and/or clarify some of our current by-laws to 2018/19 standards.
Minutes of LFSC Board Meeting – July 12, 2018 – At the Pool
In attendance: C. Morton, J. Crupi, B. Herberger, T. Higgins, C. Slabaugh, C. Montrie (Bethesda Aquatics), K. McNavage, J. Matal, M. Adlin, S. Volkers, C. Stocker and 3 Pool members (mtg. Is open to any members interested in attending)
Passed around previous minutes from June mtg. Board voted on and approved minutes.
- Pool pump outage update: There were 2 repairs that needed to occur on the pump. The first involved a surge in electric from PEPCO which blew the surge protector (intentionally meant to protect the pump from these types of electrical power surges). After this was replaced and the pump was turned on, it sounded like it was running poorly so the repair service ended up replacing the bearings. Cathy Stocker is looking into the reason why the bearings had to be replaced after only a year; however, overall, this repair was a relatively minor expense (around $500).
- Discussion of early opening on the weekends: 2 members who attended this mtg. came to advocate for an earlier opening of the pool on the weekends. The Board discussed the issue and agreed that this would be a good idea. We will negotiate with Bethesda Aquatics the cost of opening the pool earlier on Sat. and Sun. Once we see the cost and weigh pros/cons, we will vote on whether or not to go ahead with the change in times.
- A member brought up to the Board that lap lanes are often crowded during certain times of the day. Specifically, swim lessons occur in the lanes when they could potentially be taking advantage of other pool space. The Board agreed to make guards and others aware of this fact.
- There is a work group that has met once to discuss the ‘wait list points system’. There is a good cross-section of members on this committee (new members, members that have been in the pool for many years, families, single members, etc.) So far, this group has: reviewed the current system and discussed the history of how the points were created.
- Soon, there will be a letter sent out to all members (approx. 280) on the wait list of the wait list status with an explanation of how the current point system works. This is for transparency.
- Building and Grounds report: The alleyway fence was discussed first. The fence posts are mostly rotten and will need to be replaced in the next couple of years. The Board voted to replace the entire fence now rather than just the sections of fence that are falling down since the posts are rotten. A discussion of repairing the ruts in the alley itself ensued; however, it was decided that additional repairs (beyond the initial gravel replacement after construction of the pool was complete) should be left up to the county since the alley is their property.
- Steve Volkers shared our financial report. Total revenue up to this point: $410,555.00. Total expenses: $ 223,692.64 and our net operating income: $186,862.64. Additional swim/dive team expenses and income will be added to the report through the end of July. We still have $360,000 cash in the bank.
- Water bill was extra high this cycle and Steve called WSSC. They are coming out to replace our meter.
- Mike Adlin reported on his findings regarding installation of solar panels. Panels would cost approx. $45,000. They would be paid off in 15-20 yrs.from the solar energy produced based on our current electric bills. PACE is a loan program that allows you to finance the cost over 20 years. Typically loans for this purpose have much shorter terms. The Board requested more information about the PACE loan before voting on the use of solar panels.
- “Illegal” parking was discussed -particularly on Glen Cove Pkwy. by members going to the pool. Emails will be sent out to remind members that parking is not allowed on certain streets and reminder flyers will be left on windshields of cars that are parking on these streets as well.
- The current By-laws will be on the agenda of our next Board mtg. as we are beginning to look at updating these in the next few months with legal assistance.
Minutes od LFSC Board Meeting – September 12, 2018 – Joe Matal’s House
In attendance: Chuck Montrie, Cathy Stocker, Brian Herberger (Pres.), Mike Adlin, Cynthia Morton, Joe Matal, Steve Volkers, Tony Higgins, Geoff Egnal, Claire Slabaugh, Kristin McNavage
- July Minutes were approved first.
- We acknowledged an electronic vote (100% in agreement) that took place earlier (August) to approve spending for replacement of the entire fence from Greenway Dr. to the end of the tennis courts, as well as removal of one dead tree behind tennis court no. 1, and some tree trimming next to the dead tree.
- Next year, the Board agreed to open the pool at 10am on Saturdays and 11am on Sundays. These times concur with what is in our operating agreement.
- We are currently beginning the process of examining our bylaws which haven’t been updated in over 20 years. A lawyer has agreed to help us (pro bono) take a look at our current by-laws to determine what obvious changes need to be made as well as consider what the Board wants to add or amend.
- An update on the current pump and the repairs that occurred this season: the pump broke down 3 times this summer- twice in succession and then one additional time several weeks later. The board decided to contact an independent contractor to look at the configuration of the pump and the hydraulics (this was a challenging installation due to space limitations), the electric that is powering the pump and whether it is sufficient, and why it seems as though this pump is ‘straining’ and the bearings were worn out within one year. We currently use Virginia Pump to service the pump; however, we would like to find a different company if in fact a better one exists in the area.
- There are some current plantings in front of the electrical pole that will need to be moved according to PEPCO. They are unable to get their truck close enough to the pole in order to make repairs if/when power is knocked out.
- Update on the trees: Stephen Peck, an employee who oversees our Forest Conservation Plan, took a walk around the grounds several weeks ago. Overall, he was very pleased with our progress and follow-through regarding tree growth, landscaping, and plantings. However, there are several trees that need additional maintenance. There are still trees by the tennis courts that need to be treated with a pesticide for Emerald Ash Borer and pruned. There is a tree by the driveway going up to the alley that needs to be sprayed. LFSC plans to contract out with ArborCare to have this work complete.
- Additional pavers will be added to the triangular patch of grass between the eating area and the pool deck that is constantly muddy and wet.
- A long discussion of a possible bathhouse renovation ensued. Our budget includes the additional loan money that we took out recently but didn’t use for the pool. Board members weighed the pros/cons of paying for a cosmetic upgrade for both bathhouses even though the building itself will need to be complete renovated in the next 10-15 years. (the footprint of the building will not change; however, the building itself will need to be fully refurbished). We agreed to get several estimates on these options: 1. complete overhaul 2. upgrading fixtures, doors, and paint (cosmetic changes) or 3. renovating only the women’s bathroom (this is used far more frequently by members) at this time and then renovating the men’s bathroom when we have more money. Eventually, the Board wants to have a family bathroom installed that is handicapped accessible although to change the configuration of the men’s bathroom would be extremely costly.
- Report from membership: Our wait list continues to grow. We now have 282 members on the list. Even though, the wait list has grown, families are getting more swim privileges earlier than in the past. This is due to our ‘End of Season Guest privileges’ and ‘Full Season guest privileges’ that have been expanded to more wait list families in the past 2 years. The membership sub-committee has met twice now (they are looking at the way we configure the waitlist and the ‘points’ for each person on the wait list). 100% of those on the committee agree that the concentric circles need to be abandoned. This leads to people who actually move backwards on the wait list when others move in.
- Financial report was given by Steve Volkers, our Treasurer. He explained plans and rationale to move our banking from Sandy Springs Bank to Capital One for the start of the new fiscal year to improve online banking and reduce banking fees. He noted that the cash position is still solid but several expense areas may need to be increased for the FY19 budget. Steve distributed a draft FY19 template with the YTD financial report. YTD we show net income of $79,384.52. The pool’s cash position at the end of August was $263,551.26. He also provided YTD expense details to the committee chairs and asked that the draft FY19 budget be discussed during the Oct board meeting. Steve noted that we are due for our yearly audit in the next few months and asked for names of members to be part of the audit committee. Several members who completed the audit last year have agreed to continue; but it would be good to have a new member join the committee to learn from experience committee members..
- Update on solar panels: The solar panels will cost LFSC approximately $45,000. It will take us 13-14 years to pay off these panels if we don’t take out a loan to finance them. The Board plans to present this data to the membership to see how they would suggest we pay for the panels IF members want us to have them installed. The most advantageous county loan program is not available for a project as small as ours, and the loan program we would be eligible for may not be significantly better than obtaining a loan in the open market. The Board believes at this time that we should wait until after decisions are made on the bathhouse, technology improves to make them more efficient, and there is a better loan option.
LFSC Board Mtg. met at Mike Adlin’s House, 10/10/18, 7:30pm
Present: Claire Slabaugh, Mike Adlin, Kristin McNavage, Cathy Stocker, Geoff Egnal, Brian Herberger, Steve Volkers, Joe Matal
Treasurer’s Report:
Guest passes (end of season, year long, and daily) gave us a lot more revenue this year. (almost $30,000)
Chemicals, maintenance and grounds, chairs for the pool, and Bethesda Aquatics’ fees increased our expenses for this summer
A discussion ensued about ways to increase income to help balance out the difference between our expenses and income (possible $25(?) increase in membership dues, etc.)
$209,000 is the balance of our current cash flow at the end of the period. Partial bathroom renovation may occur in the next couple of years
Input was gained from Board members on line items of the budget for the various categories
Draft budget will come out before the end of the year in time for the audit
Building and Grounds:
Arbor Care came out to look at some trees that need to be removed (2), treating some trees for a mite (they’ll spray it with a pesticide), pruning a Maple and Scarlett Oak, and spraying 2 trees by the tennis courts. The Board approved all of this tree ‘care’ up to $6000.
Taking away the dumpster and changing our chlorine delivery option will basically cut down on the pool’s use of the alley completely.
Additional pavers will be installed for an approved amount (up to $16,000). The pavers will be installed in front of the pergola and the area between the eating area and the deck.
Other items:
Nominating committee will be run by Craig Piercy for the 5 open positions on the Board as of Jan. 2019
By-laws committee met recently and there are multiple changes that the lawyer proposed. Some of these changes are very minor (gender-neutral pronouns etc.), some are administrative changes and there are some changes that need to be in the Standard Operating Procedures but not in the by-laws. All changes are necessary because the current by-laws are very antiquated. Changes will be sent out online with a link and paper copies will be available upon request (and posted at the pool).
Membership and Points Committee: The recommendation from this committee will be to do away with the Points System. The recommendation must be approved by the Board eventually. All those on the waitlist currently will be ‘grandfathered’ and stay in their current position. All those who are added to the waitlist will be added on a first-come, first-served basis. Boundary shifts were discussed as well; however, the committee still hasn’t come to any conclusions about this.
Minutes from 11.14.18 meeting and Geoff Egnal’s House
In attendance: Brian Herberger, Board President, Claire Slabaugh, Tony Higgins, Joe Matal, Mike Adlin, Geoff Egnal, Cynthia Morton, Cathy Stocker, Kristin McNavage and Chuck Montrie (Bethesda Aquatics rep. )
Minutes approved from October 10 mtg.
Discussion about new draft of by-laws that were written by a lawyer working pro-bono for the Board as well as a select group of Board Members. The Board president condensed all of the changes into a chart so that it can easily be seen what the previous by-laws said, what the current ones will say if they are approved, and a summary of the changes made. The Board discussed several of the more ‘complicated’ changes and made some minor amendments. The draft will go back to the lawyer with our recommendations for revisions and then it will be recirculated to the Board before it is presented to the membership. The Board decided to send out an email with the proposed changes as an attachment. Paper copies will also be delivered if any member would prefer a paper copy. There will be a Question and Answer session in mid-January several weeks prior to the Annual Mg. in the end of January. At the Annual Mtg., the membership will have to vote on the changes.
Points Committee review: The Points Committee (a subgroup of members that formed a committee for the sole purpose of revisiting our waitlist procedure and the points that are allocated to families when they apply for a position on the waitlist) has completed their work and presented their final suggestions. They concluded that the current system is no longer effective and beginning in the winter of 2019, there should be no more points ‘awarded’ to waitlist applicants based on location of their house from the pool, renting vs. owning, etc. Seniority will be the only factor in determining waitlist positions and full membership offers. The Board voted on their recommendation. The vote was 8 in favor of adopting the new system as it was written by the committee, one abstention.
Parking concerns: The Board discussed how to handle the parking problems surrounding the pool. In years passed, we collected license plate data and asked guards to be vigilant about notifying people who were disobeying the parking policy. (No parking on Baltimore Ave., LF Pkwy., Allan Terr., and Glen Cove Pkwy. while using the pool). The software program that we use now does not allow us to search the database for a license plate. Currently, we are not enforcing the parking policy well. The Board agreed to come up with suggestions to remediate the problem for a discussion at the next Board mtg. (i.e. – ask lifeguards to put notices on cars who are potentially violating the policy, posting signs in places where people frequently park, etc.)
Chuck Montrie presented new costs that we will incur during the 2019 season from Bethesda Aquatics. Most were costs that were already included in the budget that was passed at the 10.10 mtg. These include an additional lifeguard during the Early Bird swim time, a raise for the pool manager, an increase in the minimum wage for new lifeguards, and additional time for the guards after 9pm for cleaning.
Social committee report: We had several very successful and well-attended social events this summer. The current social chair has recommended that 2 board members co-chair this committee next year due to the workload that it entails -particularly because the workload falls in a very tight timeframe. Additionally, there should be someone to help with communication and marketing of the events.
One or two board members will research various options for getting chlorine delivered to the pool without the use of the alley and a large truck once a week.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:25pm.
LFSC Board Meeting
December 12, 2018
In attendance: Brian Herberger, Cathy Stocker, John Crupi, Claire Slabaugh, Cynthia Morton, Joe Matal, Mike Adlin
Meeting was called to order by Brian Herberger.
Cynthia moved to approved the November meeting minutes with a few changes. Second from Cathy Stocker.
Brian gave an update on the Bylaws revisions. Board discussed some language regarding the Wait List given that there may be changes to the point system if the membership agrees.
Cathy gave an update on the bathhouse: Discussion about refreshing the women’s room only. John Chadwick would be Project Manager again. Several contractors are lined up for bids.
Cathy made a motion to formally hire John Chadwick at a fee not to exceed $10,000 along with an included “kill fee” if we don’t move forward with the project. Second from Joe Matal. No objections. Motion was passed.
Board authorized Cathy to send out RFP’s to contractors to obtain bids. Brian discussed the topics that will be in his President’s letter.
Meeting adjourned at 9pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Claire Slabaugh, Membership Chair
(substituting for Kristin McNavage, Secretary)